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March at the StL CW


All upcoming events are at our house of hospitality 8617 Mora Ln unless stated otherwise.

-Faith-FIlled Coffee featuring the St. Louis Catholic Worker
 March 9th - 10 AM
 4556 Telegraph Rd, St. Louis, MO 63129
 Learn about the Catholic Worker movement's "revolution of the heart" from the StL CW as they join St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church for their monthly 'Faith-FIlled Coffee' speaker series. The doors to the parish center will open at 9:30 with the discussion of the CW's beliefs and values beginning at 10.

-StL CW Prayer
 March 12th - 6 PM
 Join us for this informal community-led time of bringing our joys and concerns to our community and the creator.

-Clarification of Thought: An Intro to the Biblical Year of Jubilee
 March 17th - 6:30 PM
 As the Catholic Church proclaims 2025 a Jubilee Year, our friend Matt Hubbard will present on and lead a discussion about the Jubilee Year as described in the Torah and the Wisdom we can gain from it today. What does Jubilee have to say about work and the necessity of rest or debt forgiveness and agriculture?  What lessons might we glean from these ancient texts to help us build a new society in the shell of the old? 

-Last Sunday of the Month Potluck
 March 30th - 5 PM
 Bring a friend or a dish to share, but most importantly hope to see you there!

-Dorothy Day House Church at the StL CW
April 6th - 4 PM
 We aren't the only ones inspired by Dorothy Day in the St. Louis area! We hope you will join us in welcoming the Dorothy Day House Church as their weekly liturgy visits our house of hospitality. DDHC is a part of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion, a "communion of communities" (St. Ignatius of Antioch) who "offer a refuge in Christ for those who suffer prejudice because of race, color, culture, philosophy, gender, sexual orientation, or educational deprivation." They "experience Catholic communal prayer guided by the wisdom and ways of the spirit of God in the early eucharistic church". Hang around after for soup!


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