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fundraiser and more at the STL Catholic Worker Community in February


We will NOT be having our regular 'last Sunday of the month' potluck this January

Instead, everyone is invited on Sunday, February 2nd to a Catholic Worker fundraiser to celebrate Theo's 35th birthday and his 15th anniversary of coming to the CW movement! Just like last year, a suggested (though never required) donation of 10$ gets you in the door for some pizza, beer, and Jarritos and we'll have items for raffle and auction too! We'll be getting together at 5 PM at 8617 Mora Ln. If you think you'll probably make it, send us a soft RSVP via text (‪314-474-5506‬) or email ( so we can guess-timate how many pizzas to get. But don't sweat it if you decide to come last minute, we'll order extra and if there's leftovers we'll share from our excess with those lacking in pizza!
-Mark your calendars for our regular events in February. On the second Wednesday (12th) at 6 PM we will come together in prayer to bring our joys and concerns to the creator and the community and on the last Sunday (Feb 23rd) at 5 PM we'll come together to break bread at our monthly potluck. Both will be at our home at 8617 Mora Ln.

-Are you a slow or busy reader like us? Want to get a head start on a future StL CW clarification of thought book club book? We'll be reading A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers for a date to be determined in March (or maybe April).

-We're only halfway through January and it's already been a long, cold month. We're continually awed by and grateful for the network of volunteers around our city who carry the work of protecting the most vulnerable people from the dangerous temperatures we've experienced lately. The sustained cold has been straining the stamina of the all volunteer Winter Outreach network we work closely with. If you've yet to plug in with Winter Outreach, please consider signing up to help with their street outreach efforts. You can find out more info on their website. While you might catch us going out with WO on any given night, we are the coordinators on Monday evenings if you'd like to come when we're most likely to be there.

Hope to see you soon!


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